Maplewood Police Department
1618 Springfield Ave.
Maplewood NJ 07040
For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Maplewood Police Department
1618 Springfield Ave.
Maplewood NJ 07040
For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
1618 Springfield Ave.
Maplewood NJ 07040
For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
1618 Springfield Ave.
Maplewood NJ 07040
For Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant information from your local public safety departments & schools .
To receive NIXLE alerts text 07040 to 888777 or click below.
Click below to listen to Maplewood PD's radio transmissions.
If you wish to download the app you can do so in your mobile app store (Search Broadcastify) or visit:
Click below to listen to the live feed in your browser.
The Maplewood Neighborhood Video Alliance encourages residents and businesses to register their privately owned home/business video surveillance in efforts to increase safety and reduce crime.
For more information or to participate please click below.
Interested in the Blue Angel Program? This safety program aims to aid older adults who are either over 55 years of age or medically impaired and are frequently alone. Operation Blue Angel gives emergency services quick access to a residence if the resident is unable to open the door.
Maplewood PD has joined with ADAPT and Maplewood Health Department with the installment of Project Medicine Drop Box. The box is located in the lobby of Maplewood Police Department and is accessible 24/7.
The Medicine Drop Box allows residents a safe and secure way to dispose of legal, unwanted/unused medications.
The Maplewood Police Department Community Engagement Unit offers free home security surveys to residents of the Township. These surveys are designed to assist residents of what security options they can use to further protect their residences. If you are interested please click the link below.
The Maplewood Police Department utilizes 'Body Worn Cameras' in accordance with the NJ Attorney General's Directive. The camera (displayed on the left) are worn by MPD Officers in the front/center of their uniform shirt. For more information on MPD's body worn camera policy please click below.
Maplewood PD is currently hiring for the position of Police Officer. Click below to find more information.