There is no permit required for Burglar Alarms in the Township of Maplewood.
Alarms CAN be registered with the Maplewood Police Department by clicking the button on the right where it says "Register Alarm". The information will be sent to the Police Department and will be kept in a confidential file. An email confirmation will be sent if so requested.
There is an Alarm Ordinance in the Township of Maplewood that regulates the number of false alarms in a calendar year. A Township Ordinance summons will be issued for more than 3 false alarms. We advise you to keep your alarm system in good working order.
Make sure the alarm company notifies you directly when there is an activation so you are aware if there is any problems with the system. This information will be placed into our Computer Aid Dispatch system, that will enable us to contact you if there is an issue or concern at your residence.
Any questions can be directed to Det. Plesnik at (973) 762-3400 Ext. 7921.
To register your alarm with the Maplewood Police Department please click below.
Maplewood PD is currently hiring for the position of Police Officer. Click below to find more information.