MPD would like to remind everyone "Don't be like Cooper".
As a pedestrian it is YOUR responsibility as much as it is a driver to practice safe habits. For more information on pedestrian safety please visit
Thank you to Columbia High School's CCN class who worked with MPD's Community Engagement Unit to bring the first video in our new series 'Don't Be Like Cooper'!
To learn about File of Life and how to obtain yours, please watch our video!
Please watch our video to learn about Rapid SOS and how creating a free emergency profile at may help you in the event you dial 9-1-1.
Click below to get started!
Please watch our video to learn about 'Ride Share' safety and how it may help you when using services such as Uber or Lyft.
Please watch this video as Officer Lewin discusses ways to help prevent Vehicle Theft!
Officer Lewin and Officer Duncan discuss Gun Safety and how to properly secure a weapon in your residence.
Officer Lewin is here to provide tips about 'Street Safety' and how you should always be mindful of your surroundings.
Maplewood PD is currently hiring for the position of Police Officer. Click below to find more information.